The narrative in my paintings combined abstract realism or figurativism and magic realism or realistic fiction. I am inspired by my surroundings, elements and objects. Also by images of people and their inner sensations and sentiments. During the exploration of elements of dreams, fantasy and reality, I found the world of magic realism from García Márquez’s Macondo, where magic comes naturally, as a simple, everyday occurrence in which fantastical things are treated not just as possible, but also as realistic.
My paintings often have vibrant colors, a realistic view reminiscent of the tropical colors from the equatorial location of Colombia with flowing lines like the mountain landscape creating figures attaching the lines and forms to the composition. (Fig.#1)(Fig.#1.1)
Sometimes a figure composed of curved fluid lines resting on a pillow, eyes closed, peacefully unaware of her surroundings. (Fig.
#2) Also It is an arrangement of objects that together suggest rhythm and movement that determined an abstract reality as an image mix of solid forms and lines. It is the process of taking away or removing characteristics from something in order to reduce it to a set of essential characteristics. (Fig.#3) Other times this arrangement of lines playfully transforming into something totally different, characterized by the incorporation of fantastic or mythical elements into otherwise realistic fiction, to illuminate the mundane by means of the fantastical. (Fig.#4)
This creative exploration you may think, is a contradiction between magic realism and realistic fiction after all, how can something be both magical and real? Magic isn’t real – or is it? But in Latin-America the continent from which the genre of magical realism was cultivated, there is an attitude among certain portions of the population that anything can happen even miracles. In this aspect, my interpretation of magical realism is closely connected to my Catholic religious background, which believes in miracles and other spontaneous and indescribable abstract phenomena. (Fig.#5) In my work this abstract element is determined by the expression and by the form. It is a visualization of people and their space where the expression is an image mirroring the form. Sometimes depicting verisimilitude or sometimes distorting the form or idealizing and intensifying some aspects of the representation. The dualism has been an influence on every aspect of my artistic development interpreting and balancing two realities. The same narrative could be applicable to the immigrant artist like myself in another country with a different culture and language, two different worlds, two realities are a continuous challenge that enriched individuality on the expression. My interest is a visual balance of realism or figurative art and abstract art. These days with the term “alternative reality” that recognized the tendency to accept two realities: the question of what is real, it is at the heart of magical realism where our notions of reality are not limited that reality extended to magic, miracles and abstract world and by questioning our real world and to examine our certainties about ourselves and our community, our own sense of what is possible is amplified and enriched. (Fig.#6) Ordinary objects and events are enchanted. As the gypsy Melquíades says in the first paragraph of the Garcia Marquez’s novel, “Things have a life of their own. It’s simply a question of waking up their souls.”